Some Of My Work
A farmer and a scientist train sheep to follow a drone – a friendly way to round them up without a sheep dog.
But there is animal behavior science behind the unusual technique.
Britain’s only degree in wine making at Plumton College on the South Downs.
A 15 minute film investigating why the UK has more forced adoptions than other EU countries.
An investigation into the women who flee aborad to avoid having their children taken into care. One young woman returns to find a “final demand” letter from social services. Many of the women in these situations have been victims of domestic abuse themselves.
Inside Out commissioned research from the University College London into the potential impact of delays at the border in Dover after Brexit. Their results showed some alarming potential traffic jams even with short delays.
Dean is a character with an alcohol problem living in a block of flats in Folkestone. He has been the victim of county lines cuckooing where drug dealers took over his flat to sell illegal drugs.
A film about the governments decision to cull badgers to curb TB in cattle. The government based their decision on research by Lord Krebb.
But in an interview with BBc Inside Out Lord Krebb tells us that in his view the government are wrong to use his trial to condone culling.
No till farming has taken off in the US as a way to prevent soil erosion and reduce carbon emissions from farming. A farmer in Kent is an enthusiastic advocate but what is the science behind it?